Function within IICCR
The Office of Special Investigations expert
Place and date of birth
Orăştie, 31.03.1975
2011-2013-Postdoctoral Studies, Department of history and philosophy, “Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca
2001-2008-PhD in history, Faculty of history and philosophy, “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
1997-1998-advanced studies in oral history collective-mentalități, Department of history and philosophy, “Babes-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca
1993-1997-license in history, Faculty of history and philosophy, “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca
Professional experience
7.05.2006-present-Institute for the investigation of Communist crimes in Romania/Institute for the investigation of Communist crimes and the memory of the Romanian exile
1.11.2000-7.05.2006-Researcher, the Institute of oral history, Faculty of history and philosophy, “Babes-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca
1.09.2000-31.08.2001-School substitute teacher, Railroad transportation, Cluj-Napoca
1.09.1999-31.08.2000-Professor, School of Industrial Group “Tehnofrig”, Cluj-Napoca
1.09.1998-31.08.1999-Professor, School “Gelu the Romanian” Dăbâca, jud. Cluj
- Volumes (selection):
- Individual and collective destinies in communism, Iaşi, Polirom, 2013, (coord.)
- Carcerale experiences in Communist Romania, vol. I-VI, Iaşi, Polirom, 2007-2012, (coord.)
- The end of the Communist regimes. Causes, consequences and, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2011, (coeditor)
- Political repression in Communist Romania. “White guard”-subversive organization invented by hunedoreană Security, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2010
- Anti-communist resistance movement from Romania. “The cross and the Sword”. Testimonies, Second Edition revised and augmented, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2010, (coeditor).
- State and private life in Communist regimes, Iaşi, Polirom, 2009, (coord.)
- Forms of repression in Communist regimes, Iaşi, Polirom, 2008, (coord.)
- Făgăraş. Prison guards, vol. I-III, Cluj-Napoca, Mega, 2007. (coauthor)
- Anti-communist resistance. Scientific research and recovery Museum, I-II, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2006, (coeditor)
- Anti-communist resistance from Romania. The “Hood-Dale” (1947-1957). Testimonies, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2006, (coeditor)
- Anti-communist resistance movement from Romania. “The cross and the Sword”. Testimonies, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2005, (coeditor)
- Romania anti-communist resistance. “Theodore Şuşman” Group (1948-1958). Testimonies, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2004, (coeditor)
- Anti-communist resistance. “Theodore Şuşman” groups, “Hood-Dale”, “the cross and the Sword”. Oral history studies, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2003 (co-author)
- “Suffering is not given to the brethren.” Lucreţiei Ja testimony about anti-communist resistance from the Apuseni Mountains (1948-1958), Cluj-Napoca, Dacia, 2002 (co-author)
Trials (a selection):
- “Die Mehrheit wollte weg, um jeden Preis wollte weg”. Die Auswanderung der Rumäniendeutschen während des Kommunismus in der Wahrnehmung der Rumänen Spiegelungen, in “. Zeitschrift für deutsche Geschichte und Kultur Südosteuropas “, Munich, Institut für deutsche Geschichte und Kultur Südosteuropas e. V. an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 8 (62), 4/13, pp. 378-395
- “The Church did not emigrate”. Bishop Albert Klein and emigration lutheranian priests from Romania in the last two decades of the Communist regime, I-II, in the archives of Totalitarianism “, year XXI, nr. 78-79 (1-2/2013), pp. 166-179; Nr. 80-81 (3-4/2013), pp. 165-178.
- The involvement of Frontline Plowman in the process of collectivization of agriculture-preparatory actions in “Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica “, Alba Iulia, 17/1/2013, pp. 207-228 (along with Sorin Radu).
- The Emigration of Teachers of German Origin from Romania between 1978 and 1989, in The Scientific Journal of Humanistic Studies, no. 8, year 5, March 2013, pp. 68-77.
- “Between the two country.” The perception of the Romanians over ethnic Germans who emigrated from Romania, Cosmin Budeancă, in Oagoqebei, (editors), “the end of the Communist regimes. Causes, consequences and “Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2011, pp. 167-195.
- Effects of socio-economic transformations from German communities after the 2nd World War, the perception of the Romanians, the Pbc Caplan (eds.), “Minority in Europe. Memory, history, and destiny. Proceedings of the International Colloquium of anthropology 27-28 May 2010 “, Arad, Arad museum complex, 2011, pp. 165-186.
- The Romanians on the perception of ethnic Germans during the second world war, the Mart, Pop organ, Iulia V (eds.), cultural history, history of Culture: a tribute to Professor Daniels Sunder at the age of 60 years “, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2010, pp. 593-624.
- Divorce in families of former political prisoners, in Carr Budeancă, Oagoqebei (coord.), “State and private life in Communist regimes”, Iaşi, Polirom, 2009, pp. 161-179.
- Perception of emigration of ethnic Germans in the period 1945-1989 in the collective memory of Romanian communities in the “AIO-oral history Institute Yearbook”, IX, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2008, pp. 170-222.
- Impact of expropriations and post-communist land reforms over ethnic Germans in the perception of the Romanians in the “AIO-oral history Institute Yearbook”, VIII, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2007, pp. 43-76.
- The elections of 19 November 1946 from Huedinului area (Cluj County) in collective memory, (co-author), Robert Fürtös, Gheorghe Mihai Mroz (editors), the parliamentary elections of 19 November 1946 from collective memory in historical research, Civic Academy Foundation, Bucharest, 2007, pp. 337-361.
- Die Deportierung der Volksdeutschen 1945 in die Sowjetunion, in the Transylvanian Saxons between steadiness and uprooting/Die Siebenbürger Sachsen zweischen Heimatreue und Entwurzelung, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, pp. 319-354.
- Deportation of ethnic Germans in the Soviet Union since 1945 in the perception of the Romanians in Carter V Jason, organ (eds.), “Saxons Saxons between steadiness and uprooting Siebenbürger Sachsen/Die Zweischen heimatreue und entwurzelung”, Cluj-Napoca, 2006, pp. 287-318.
- The perception of ethnic German emigration after 1989 in the collective memory of Romanian communities in Traian Rotariu, Sadiq, John Boulder Boulder (eds.), “the Romanian population. Past. Present. Future “Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2006, pp. 346-365.
- Aspects of women’s involvement in the anti-communist resistance in the mountains of Romania. If Lucreţiei Ja (Şuşman Group), in Rund Cosma, Virgiliu Ţârău (eds.), “the condition of women in Romania during the twentieth century. Case studies “, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2003, pp. 161-177.
- Solomon Bibo from Bârca () in collective memory, in the “AIO-oral history Institute Yearbook”, nr. IV, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2003, pp. 265-308.
- The Saxons from Orăştie emigration in the last decade of the Communist regime in Romulus Rusan (editor), “Annals Sighet x. 1972-1989. Chronicle of an end system “, Bucharest, Civic Academy Foundation, 2002, pp. 235-251.
- Anti-communist resistance of the Apuseni. Şuşman group, in the “AIO-oral history Institute Yearbook”, nr. III, 2002, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, pp. 210-265.
- Conclusion the process of collectivization of agriculture reflected in press in Romulus Rusan (editor), “Annals Sighet 9. The years 1961-1972. Eastern European countries between the hopes of reform and the reality of stagnation “, Bucharest, Civic Academy Foundation, 2002, pp. 214-229.
- Issues concerning the activity of the Hunedoara Security amid intensifying the process of collectivization of agriculture (1958-1959), in Romulus Rusan (editor), “Annals Sighet 9. The ebb and flow of Stalinism “, Bucharest, Civic Academy Foundation, 2001, pp. 253-267.
- The collectivization of agriculture in the region. Case study: the village Aurel Vlaicu, in the “AIO-oral history Institute Yearbook”, nr. II, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 2001, pp. 351-376.
- A staged directed by hunedoreană Security. The “white guard” in the “AIO-oral history Institute Yearbook”, nr. 1/1998, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj University Press, 1999, pp. 259-288.
Fields of interest
Recent history; oral history; imaginary; collective mindsets