The foregoing workshop took place at the headquarters of the IICCMER, on 28 June 2010. Mr. Vladimir Tismăneanu, University of Maryland, president of the Scientific Council of the IICCMER, Mr. Adrian Cioflâncă,director of the Society, Economics and Institutions Department, Mr. Dumitru Lăcătuşu, expert, Society, Economics and Institutions Department, and Mr. Mihai Burcea, expert, Society, Economics and Institutions Department participated as discussants.

Gheorghe Enoiu was a Securitate colonel and director of the Penal Investigations Department in the interval 1963-1967.

The references within his personal file indicate that Enoiu was one of the most fervent investigators of the Securitate, as he “rightfully hated class enemies” and would often work overtime. The “professional success” which came with his activity as investigator made him quite arrogant, according to the information in his personal file. The other investigators saw Enoiu as a self-important individual, who was “always looking for something new”. At the same time, his violent nature became also known to his superiors, according to a 1952 reference, which describes Enoiu as “an impulsive person, who can’t restrain himself in the presence of the arrested; an individual with nervous outbursts”.