The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMRE) and New Europe College (NEC, Institute for Advanced Study) organise a French-Romanian scientific workshop on the theme of the “Memory of the Holocaust and the Memory of the Gulag”.

The workshop’s aim is that of debating and analysing the evolution of the collective representations of the crimes of Nazism cand of Communism. How are the two totalitarian regimes of the 20th century remembered? How have these collective memories been constructed? What possible connections and comparisons can be drawn between them? Which are the factors having influenced their evolution across time?

Date: Monday, 28 November 2011. Time: 2.30-5.30 pm. Venue: New Europe College, 21 Plantelor Street, Bucharest.

Speakers: Alain Blum, Centre d’études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre‐européen, EHESS; Raluca Grosescu, IICCMRE; Anca Oroveanu, NEC; Damiana Oţoiu, IICCMRE; Stanislas  Pierret, Embassy of France in Romania; Alina Pavelescu, National Archives of Romania; Liviu Rotman; SNSPA; Ioan Stanomir, IICCMRE; Jean-Charles Szurek, Institut des sciences sociales du politique, CNRS; Florin Ţurcanu, Political Science Department, University of Bucharest.

The event is organised in collaboration with Institut des sciences socials du politique, CNRS, Political Science Department, University of Bucharest, CeFReS, Centre français de recherche en sciences sociales. The project of the French-Romanian workshops benefits from the support of the Embassy of France in Romania.

The program of the workshop
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