The IICCMER published on its website the cadre file of Alexandru Nicolschi, one of the cruelest Securitate generals. He was the main collaborator of general-lieutenant Gheorghe Pintilie, the head of the Securitate during the rule of Gheorghiu-Dej, and one of the officials responsible for the implementation of the re-education experiments by means of torture within the Penitentiaries of Suceava, Piteşti, Gherla, Târgşor, Târgu-Ocna, Braşov, Aiud, and the Labour Colony of Peninsula.

Archive documents are accompanied by a biographic study written by the IICCMER experts Mihai Burcea and Marius Stan. Their work was based on Nicolschi’s cadre file as well as on other sources, such as archive funds, press articles, memoirs, films, various books and researches on the foregoing subject. The documents used for the study are with the custody of the Archive of the National Council for the Studying of the Securitate Archives (ACNSAS), the National Archives of Romania, and the Archive of the National Administration Centre for Penitentiaries. The biography presents several revealing sequences of Nicolschi’s activity as an underground supporter of the interwar communist movement, as a spy for the NKVD, as a prisoner during Antonescu’s rule, as a policeman during the transition to communism, as a Securitate general, and, finally, in his late years, as a historical consultant in the making of several action films directed by Sergiu Nicolaescu.

The study will be included in the second volume of the Dictionary of Officers and Civil Employees of the General Management of Penitentiaries. Central Apparatus 1948-1989, by Mihai Burcea, Marius Stan and Mihail Bumbeş, which is to be published in 2011