Experts of the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER) met on April 24th with Ştefan Romanciuc, former political prisoner, who talked about his experience during the communist regime. His testimonies will be used in documenting the investigation cases prepared by IICCMER and in future editorial projects.
Ştefan Romanciuc is 86 years old and currently lives in Băile Govora. He was involved in activities against the communist regime, planning an attempt against the leaders of the party meeting with Soviet officials at the ARLUS headquarters in Bucharest. He was arrested in January 1954 and sentenced to 18 years of hard labour. He was imprisoned in Jilava, Lugoj, Aiud and Gherla penitentiaries, as well as in the labor camps from Salcia, Giurgeni and Periprava.