Expoziția „Istorii deturnate – destine rescrise. Patrimoniul construit din București  sub regimul comunist”, vernisată la Muzeul Național Cotroceni

Expoziția „Istorii deturnate – destine rescrise. Patrimoniul construit din București sub regimul comunist”, vernisată la Muzeul Național Cotroceni

Muzeul Național Cotroceni, alături de Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului și Memoria Exilului Românesc, vernisează miercuri, 9 octombrie 2024,...
Free English Courses: History of Romania during Communism

Free English Courses: History of Romania during Communism

How was communism established in Romania after the Second World War? Who opposed the new regime and why were there...
35 years after the fall of communist regimes in Europe

35 years after the fall of communist regimes in Europe

Viitoarea conferință internațională 35 years after the fall of communist regimes in Europe, organizată de Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor...

About us

The Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER) is a governmental structure founded in 2009, with the aim of scientifically analyzing the communist regime and its consequences. In the center of all of its actions are the victims and the constant effort to identify those guilty of crimes and abuse. IICCMER creates, organizes and supports educational and memory projects, thus contributing to a better understanding of the importance of citizen rights and freedom in the post-communist society. Last but not least, IICCMER identifies, organizes and provides useful tools for the experts in social sciences and for the general audience (archives and collections, a virtual library, educational materials).



The Victims of Communism

Having been declared a criminal regime by the Romanian state, which used brutal repression during all of its existence and over the entire society, Romanian communism left behind numerous victims from all social, political, religious categories, regardless of age or gender, from those executed or dead in communist penitentiaries to the women who died from abortion and the children who died in the orphenages of the Ceaușescu era. This section focuses on the communist repression from Romania and on all of these victims.

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Memory and Heritage

The memorialization and the museification of the past are the antidotes to oblivion.

The section contains information about the material and immaterial traces left by the communist regime in Romania. Information is available about the former penitentiary in Râmnicu Sărat, under the administration of IICCMER, about the communism memorialization projects in the country and in the Republic of Moldova, about the exhibitions on the history of communism, but also the most important data from the public calendar related to the memory of communism in Europe.

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Criminal transcripts

The largest database on political detainees during the communist regime in Romania is available here. The criminal transcripts were photocopied from the archive of the National Administration of Penitentiaries (ANP). However, there are some people for whom no criminal records were found, despite the existence of clear evidence of them being detained for political reasons.

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Photo Library

The online photo library of Romanian communism is the largest collection of photographs during communism, made available to the public through an action carried out by the National Archives of Romania and the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and the Memory of the Romanian Exile (formerly IICCR). The photos cover an extremely rich palette, most of them dating from the 1944-1989 period: the entry of the Red Army in Bucharest, the political events of 1944-1947, the visits of communist leaders abroad, moments from the personal life of Gheorghiu-Dej and Ceausescu, the party congresses, cultural meetings, party nomenclature in various poses, rallies, official portraits, events, etc.

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Site-urile noastre

Our websites

Over time, IICCMER has developed a series of websites on topics of Romanian communist history. Online projects are an easily accessible information resource, being part of the Institute’s approach to facilitate the knowledge and study of the 1945-1989 period , but also of the consequences of totalitarianism in Romanian society.

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Se întâmpla pe 2 martie: În 1989, Liviu Babeș  şi-a dat foc pe pârtia de schi Bradu, din Poiana Braşov, într-un gest disperat de protest împotriva regimului comunist.

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