How was communism established in Romania after the Second World War? Who opposed the new regime and why were there tens of thousands of victims of political repression? Was Romania a satellite state of the USSR or was it a dissidence behind the Iron Curtain? What was everyday life like in communist Romania? Who was Nicolae Ceaușescu behind the myths and stereotypes and why was the overthrow of the regime in December 1989 the bloodiest in Europe? And, last but not least, what do Romanians think nowadays about the communist past?


If you are an English-speaking foreigner in Bucharest, you can find out the answers to all of these questions by enrolling in the „History of Romania during Communism” project, organized by the Institute for Investigation of Communist Crimes and Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER).


The program consists of two courses and a visit to Jilava detention center, a former political prison near Bucharest, all designed to give you an overall perspective on one of the most defining topics of Romanian recent history.


The calendar of the project:

  1. First lecture: ”Romania during Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej. 1945-1965”

24th of October 2024, 17:00 – 19:00.

  1. Study visit: ”Jilava Prison – The Knot of Political Repression”

31st of October 2024, 10:00 – 13:00.

  1. Second lecture: ”Romania during Nicolae Ceaușescu. 1965-1989”

7th of November 2024, 17:00 – 19:00.


The two courses will be held in English at the IICCMER headquarters (13-19 Alecu Russo Street, 5th floor, apartment 11).


Registration is free (limited places) and it is open until the 22nd of October. You can apply now by sending an e-mail to