IICCMER (Institutul de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului şi Memoriei Exilului Românesc) a organizat conferinţa The Perils of Historical Forgetting and Whitewashing: The Former Soviet Bloc in Comparative Perspective, susţinută de profesor Mark Kramer (Harvard University), joi, 24 iunie 2010, orele 11.00 am, la sediul central al IICCMER din strada Alecu Russo, nr. 13-19, etajul 5, apartament 11, Bucureşti. Lucrările conferinţei s-au desfăşurat în limba engleză.

Evenimentul a fost deschis de profesor Vladimir Tismăneanu (University of Maryland), Preşedinte al Consiliului Ştiinţific al IICCMER. Domnul Stephen Ruken (Second Secretary, USA Embassy) a susţinut comentariile de încheire.


The task of confronting unpleasant historical episodes is difficult for any country, even the long-established democracies. In the former Communist countries, the process of historical reckoning is even more onerous and in almost all countries has been highly imperfect. The former Communist countries that have done the most to encourage a thorough reckoning with the Communist period have enjoyed much greater stability than the countries that have avoided any reappraisal of the past or that have embarked on the process selectively or halfheartedly. Deep and lasting democratization in the former East-bloc states has made the most headway when the iniquities of the Communist period have been exposed to public light and when leaders of these states have unequivocally denounced the individuals who were complicit in systematic cruelty and terror.


Mark Kramer este director al Cold War Studies Program si Senior Fellow, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies (Harvard University). Între publicaţiile sale se numără: The Crisis in Czechoslovakia, 1968: The Prague Spring and the Soviet Invasion, and the August Invasion; Soldier and State in Poland: Civil-Military Relations and Institutional Change After Communism; The Collapse of the Soviet Union; and, Crisis in the Communist World, 1956: The Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact, and Upheavals in Poland and Hungary. Mark Kramer a tradus şi a coordonat ediţia în limba engleză a Cărtii negre a comunismului (Harvard University Press, 1999). A publicat aproape 200 de de articole pe diverse teme printre care prăbuşirea Uniunii Sovietice, relaţiile sino-sovietice, forţele armate sovietice şi post-sovietice, războiul din Cecenia, politica externă a Uniunii Sovietice şi a Rusiei, NATO şi structurile de apărare europene, reformele economice din Europa de Est post-comunistă, politicile sociale în Europa Centrală şi relaţiile civil-politice în fostul bloc sovietic. 

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